Monogramming on purses, baby bibs, koozies, shirts, blankets, towels and much more!


Sweet Dreams, Sewn Seams & Jelli Beans has been in business since 2006. We are an Embroidery and Unique Gift Shop that specializes in personalization.

  • Personalize nearly anything in our store
  • Embroidery, adhesive vinyl and heat press vinyl
  • Monograms, names and phrases
  • Car decals
  • Custom images and logos

Don't Forget...

You can also bring in items that you purchased from other places to be personalized, not just items that are purchased in Sweet Dreams.

We do custom digitizing for businesses, churches, schools, sports teams, etc

We can order your polos, t-shirts, scrubs, jackets, sports uniforms, and more, in the sizes/quantities you need.